It is written...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor form the Lord... An excellent wife is the crown of her husband... An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain.
I have found these statements to be wise and true. The Lord has shown me favor and allowed me to find you.
I said these words to Julie 18 years ago. I believed them with all my heart but didn’t realize then just how true they were. Over last 18 years there have been difficulties and joys and I love Julie more today than I thought possible 18 years ago. Every year we try to get away for our anniversary but this year it just wasn’t possible. However, our friend Brittany came over to watch the kids and on a cold wintery night in Odessa, we went out to one of our favorite new restaurants.
It was a simple but sublime evening.
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor form the Lord... An excellent wife is the crown of her husband... An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain.
I have found these statements to be wise and true. The Lord has shown me favor and allowed me to find you.
I said these words to Julie 18 years ago. I believed them with all my heart but didn’t realize then just how true they were. Over last 18 years there have been difficulties and joys and I love Julie more today than I thought possible 18 years ago. Every year we try to get away for our anniversary but this year it just wasn’t possible. However, our friend Brittany came over to watch the kids and on a cold wintery night in Odessa, we went out to one of our favorite new restaurants.
It was a simple but sublime evening.

It was cold and snowy so there were not many people out. We strolled through the snow-covered city park. It was quite peaceful and beautiful.
We had dinner at “Fat Moses” CafĂ©.

Our girls had some juice, fruit and a Happy Anniversary sign ready for us. We read aloud with the kids and relaxed the rest of the night. The story of us continues.
It has been great to know you both for half of those 18 years..! The both of you have been so valuable to Heather and I as friends and "mentors" -- as we watched from the sidelines of your ministry, er, uh marriage :) and saw how we wanted to love each other. You and Julie have been an inspiration to us as we wondered how would we "manage" a house full of children and even each other, and not retreat into our personal worlds, but instead stay engaged with one another. We watched you enter a "communication class" because you knew it was necessary to good loving, and it changed my attitude about loving my wife and my "position" each time we communicated.
Your marriage - this ministry you entered 18 years ago - I know was not blessed soley for my (our)benefit, but I am grateful to have seen, been a party to, and been blessed by you both. And I am so glad you both found each other on that van ride. Even if neither of you has the facts of how you got together totally straight. :)
Love you guys. OH, and by the way... Don't the "less eventful" anniversary celebrations always turn out to be the most memorable?
Thanks Ty. We so appreciate you and Heather and still pray for you often. Your words are kind an humbling. Our journey togther has not been easy, but it has been very rich and your right. The "less eventful" celebrations are the best! blessings to you and your wife brother!
The girls were laughing when they saw you guys in the pot. We were at Calico on Thanksgiving weekend, so they remembered it. Funny!
Happy Anniversary
Jackie & Girls
Very sweet Alfie, your expression of your love for Julie; it touched me
with a few goose bumps, and fortified what I know to be the blessing you are to each other...Your a good
husband and father.
The best for you all always....
Thank you for your kind words Lois. Alfie
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