We are preparing to leave our home in Odessa for one year. During that year we will be traveling and living in the USA. We leave in one week and the process of goodbyes has begun. I will never get used to this part of being a missionary. You spend enough time in a place to build relationships and then you leave.

On May 30th was the Odessa Theological Graduation. Alfie was able to participate and say goodbye to the full time theology students and the part time Pastoral Ministry students.
Today, Saturday June 7, Micah our daughter had her last music exam. She did very well – received an 11 out of 12. After the exam we had some tea and refreshments. We were able to say goodbye to Micah’s music teacher, Lucia and Micah's fellow students. Here is a vidoe of her playing one of her songs.
From the music exam, we went to a picnic by the sea. O

ur small group organized a picnic to
say goodbye to us. We sang together, they gave us a gift (a photo album with their pictures and best wishes), we played and ate together. Igor, the pastor of the group said, “We are very sad to see you go and when Ukrainians are sad - we also eat. So we have gathered to be sad and eat together.” This group has been a great blessing to us. We have prayed together, studied the Bible together, had picnics, laughed, cried and served the Lord together. We thank God for them and will miss them very much.
Dear Mosse family:
Trust your first day in Wash. D.C.,is proving to be fun and
interesting, and with the added
company of Jennifer.
Looking forward to your next
blog entry.
Take care... with love,
lots of xoxoxoxo for J.M.A.
Micah Joy:
What a pleasure it has been
for me to listen to you play
the piano. And I tell you I
have listened at least 12 times.
You are very very good for a girl
of 8 1/2, very good indeed...the song you played is very pretty...
Can't wait to see you and hug you and kiss you and if my back is up
to it...maybe a little piggy back
ride! Want to hear all about your
trip your on..Continue to have fun.
I love you, Grandma L.
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