The apostles gathered around Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while." For so many people were coming and going that they didn't even have time to eat. So they went away in a boat to a deserted place by themselves. Mark 6:30-32
At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus became very popular. However, He maintained a discipline of rest.
But the news about Jesus spread even more, and many crowds began gathering to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. However, he continued his habit of retiring to deserted places and praying. Luke 5:15-16
We, our family, do a very bad job of resting. If we plan to rest at home, we usually end up cleaning or doing some of those things that we have been putting off. If we go off somewhere on vacation to rest we are often so busy that we need a rest when we return home. We have been here with our dear friend Renee in North Carolina and have had some time of rest. However, we have also been very busy. We have been visiting sites, playing with kids, talking late into the night, preparing presentations, answering emails, preparing financial statements, sending packages, making arrangements for travel, making arrangements for school, for living, etc. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here but have not rested much. We are going to try to correct this situation. We have planned to spend one week (June 25 to July 2) at a retreat center in Virginia. We will not check email; we will not watch TV, listen to the news or turn on our cell phone. We will rest, pray, read, spend time as a family and I pray connect in a special way with each other and with our Lord. We need this time to prepare our souls for the year ahead.
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